PATEL: How The COVID-19 Censors Killed The Truth | The Daily Caller

#Science #U.S.A. #Covid

The oddest part about the effort to stifle debate over COVID-19’s origin is even the experts agree we still don’t know the answer. There is a prevailing theory, but nobody knows precisely where COVID-19 originated.…

Jacques Bopp

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

_The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence. Instead, an eerie quiet descended.…

Jacques Bopp

The Vast Anti-Trump ‘Conspiracy’ - WSJ

#U.S.A. #Trump

_President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump depart the White House to board Marine One before the inauguration of president-elect Joe Biden on January 20.…

Jacques Bopp

NZZ: Auch im Krieg singen die Vögel - und die Ukraine bewegt sich doch


Früher verkniffene Gesichter, scheue Blicke, gekrümmte Schultern und steife Feierlichkeit. Heute knallbunte Fröhlichkeit und expressive Gesten – die Schule in der Ukraine wandelt sich.…

Jacques Bopp

America, It’s Time for ‘Unity’—or Else - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

Have you renounced your white privilege? Your unconscious bias probably hasn’t been eradicated in the last week, so it will need attention. But don’t worry.…

Jacques Bopp

Trump and the Failure of the Expert Class - WSJ

#U.S.A. #Trump

The Trump years had something for almost everyone. Progressives had the satisfaction of righteousness and a justification for daily outrage.…

Jacques Bopp

Dann kam der Götterspruch

#Finance #EU #Deutschland

Ökonomen haben mehrmals die Euro-Zone auseinanderbrechen sehen, deren Scheitern vorausgesagt. Aber es gibt sie noch. Dennoch waren die Prognosen richtig: Eine Währungsunion hat nur Bestand, wenn die Mitgliedsstaaten nationale Interessen supranationalen Pflichten unterordnen.…

Jacques Bopp

Joe Biden’s Inaugural Purge - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A.

The Robb firing illustrates the falsehood of both those narratives. For all Mr. Trump’s bad manners, his administration’s actions were largely by the book. Mr. Trump never fired Richard Griffin, Barack Obama’s NLRB general counsel, who served nine months to the end of his term in 2017.…

Jacques Bopp

«Sie wollen Trumps Namen auslöschen»

#U.S.A. #Trump #Politics

Weltwoche: Victor Davis Hanson, ist Donald Trump schuld an den Angriffen auf das Kapitol? Hat der Präsident seine Anhänger zu Gewalt angestiftet?…

Jacques Bopp