What's the Difference Between Cinnamon and Cassia?


While they both come from tropical evergreen trees related to the bay laurel, avocado and sassafras cinnamon and cassia are distinctly different in appearance and flavour profile. Where one of the major differences lies between these two spices is in the quills.…

Jacques Bopp

Climate Change: The Facts 2017 - Jennifer Marohasy

#Global Warming

Contributors to _Climate Change: The Facts 2017_ do not conform to a unitary view. As I explain in the book’s introduction:…

Jacques Bopp

Recipe: Bò kho – Beef stew


This beef stew can be served with freshly baked baguettes and sometimes a sunny-side-up egg to make a very filling breakfast. Sometimes it is ladled over a bowl of rice noodles to make Phở bò kho or Hủ tiếu bò kho.…

Jacques Bopp

Bo Kho - Ein dish up Rezept


Natürlich ist dies kein klassisches Boeuf bourginon. Es ist aber auch ein Rindsragout Gericht der extraklasse, und was ist schon besser als ein wärmendes Schmorgericht wenn es draussen wieder schneller dunkel und kälter wird.…

Jacques Bopp

Bo Kho and Back Again


BOTTOMLESS BOWL | Asian spices and fish sauce provide surprising depth of flavor. James Ransom for The Wall Street Journal, Food Styling by Jamie Kimm, Prop Styling by DSM…

Jacques Bopp

Hooni Kim’s Recipe for Spicy Braised Chicken With Root Vegetables


TIPSY TIP | Brewed from fermented rice, sake brings a complex flavor as well as a welcome note of acid to the braising liquid in this dish.…

Jacques Bopp

An Insider’s Guide to Mexico City


A mere 20 years ago, visitors largely steered clear of the crime-plagued capital. In 1997, the federal district received the right to elect its own officials, triggering a seismic shift in the city’s political scene and a new era of reinvention.…

Jacques Bopp

Lammgigot mit Knoblauch, Zitrone und Kartoffeln


Den Knoblauch (1) schälen und je nach Grösse in Viertel oder Sechstel schneiden. Mit einem spitzen Messer kleine Einschnitte im Gigot anbringen und die Knoblauchstifte hineinstecken. Das Fleisch rundum mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. In einen grossen Bräter legen.…

Jacques Bopp

Summer Vegetable and Feta Frittata


Jacques Bopp