Violent Protest and the Intelligentsia - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A.

The similarities between this week’s riots and the Los Angeles riots of 1992 are obvious. Both were occasioned by appalling video images, and both divided the nation along partisan and ideological lines. The differences between the two events, however, are more revealing.…

Jacques Bopp

Unruhen in den USA: Interview mit Ökonom Glenn Loury

#Politics #U.S.A.

Der Aufruhr über Polizeigewalt sei die Folge einer verzerrten Darstellung des Problems, sagt der schwarze «Nein-Sager» und Ökonom Glenn Loury. Er lenke mit der «leeren These vom Rassismus» den Blick von den wirklichen Problemen der schwarzen Amerikaner ab.…

Jacques Bopp

‘My Ward Is A S*** Show’: Here Are The 17 Most Explosive Quotes From Chicago Leaders’ Leaked Meltdown About Violence, Looting | The Daily Caller

#Crime #Racism #U.S.A.

Leaked audio revealed Chicago aldermen and Mayor Lori Lightfoot melting down on Sunday over their inability to stop violence and looting in their city.…

Jacques Bopp

The ‘Liberal Leaning’ Media Has Passed Its Tipping Point - WSJ


About 35 years ago I was sitting at lunch next to Jeane Kirkpatrick, a onetime Democrat who became a foreign-policy adviser to President Reagan and later U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. She was lamenting what she called the “liberal leaning” media.…

Jacques Bopp

Media Cowardice and the Collusion Hoax - WSJ

To many hack commentators, “conspiracy theory” has become a term used to make certain kinds of implicit and explicit cooperation unacknowledgeable.…

Jacques Bopp

Disinfecting Journalistic Ethics - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

I finally read the lengthy transcript of President Trump’s April 23 press conference but it turned out to be unnecessary.…

Jacques Bopp

Deutschland: Extremisten wollen den Staat unterhöhlen

#Deutschland #Die Linke

In Deutschland ist die Hälfte der Bevölkerung der Ansicht, dass der Kapitalismus mehr schade als nütze. In diese Kerbe hauen Formulierungen von Politikern wie «Reiche erschiessen» oder der erneut offen geäusserte Zweifel an der DDR als «Unrechtsstaat».…

Jacques Bopp

FLASHBACK: Let’s Take A Look At How The Press Covered Trump’s China Travel Ban | The Daily Caller

#Politics #U.S.A.

Media outlets bashed President Donald Trump back in January after he implemented a travel ban from China because of the novel coronavirus – a move that many other countries have now followed.…

Jacques Bopp

President Donald J. MacGuffin - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A.

Is he a disease or a cure? Like him or hate him, there’s tons of spilled ink trying to assess President Trump’s governing style. To me, the key to understanding Trumpism is remembering why he was elected.…

Jacques Bopp