
Trump Erases His Legacy - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

A politician has to work hard to destroy a legacy and a future in a single day. President Donald J. Trump managed it.…

Jacques Bopp

The Bidens and Beijing - WSJ

#Politics #Crime #U.S.A.

Hunter Biden to hold 10% for the “big guy,” but did he forget to set aside 37% for Uncle Sam? A tax investigation focused on the Biden family’s highly questionable sources of $…

Jacques Bopp

All the President’s Norms - WSJ

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

Not even Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters would deny that he has often disregarded norms of political behavior—from the derisive nicknames he uses to diminish political rivals to ill-advised tweets such as the one suggesting we delay the election.…

Jacques Bopp

Trump mag gehen, die Medien brauchen ihn weiterhin – als Finsterling, der im Hintergrund die Fäden zieht | NZZ

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

_Donald Trump war ein Geschenk Gottes an die linken und linksliberalen Medien. Vor allem an die amerikanischen, die vor Trumps Wahl oft in tumber Langeweile erstarrt waren.…

Jacques Bopp

Fast rührten sie ihn zu Tränen

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

Nie zuvor in diesem Jahrhundert war der Ausgang einer amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl derart ungewiss wie heute. Im Jahr 2000, als der Demokrat Al Gore das Ergebnis im Bundesstaat Florida anzweifelte, sprach der Oberste Gerichtshof ein Machtwort.…

Jacques Bopp


#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

Am Wahltag pflege ich mit gleichgesinnten, seriösen Leuten an einem halbwegs sicheren, ungenannten Ort in Manhattan zusammenzukommen, um bei einem ausführlichen und entspannten Lunch ein wenig über die Wahlergebnisse zu spekulieren.…

Jacques Bopp

The Obama-Biden Virus Response - WSJ

#U.S.A. #Health #Trump

Is it reasonable to blame a single politician for the spread of a highly infectious virus, especially in a free country with 50 states and 330 million people? Joe Biden is lucky that wasn’t the standard a decade ago.…

Jacques Bopp

An American Coup Attempt - WSJ

#U.S.A. #Trump

The U.S. is in a constitutional crisis. It began on the day of President Trump’s election, when unelected bureaucrats mobilized against his presidency. This is a crisis in the executive branch, perpetrated by subordinate officials who don’t see themselves as answerable to the president.…

Jacques Bopp

The FBI’s Bad Intelligence - WSJ

#U.S.A. #Trump

It was worse than we thought. We’re referring to the FBI’s 2016 investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia, as new documents this week reveal.…

Jacques Bopp

Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo and the Russian Billionaire - WSJ

#U.S.A. #Trump

How many millions of dollars did Hunter Biden collect from foreign tycoons while his father was vice president? A new Senate report makes some headway toward answering this question.…

Jacques Bopp