Mike Pence: Biden Broke Our Deal With the Taliban - WSJ
#Politics #Islam #U.S.A.‘The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country [of Afghanistan] is highly unlikely,” President Biden confidently proclaimed in July. “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy.…
Der neue Schweizer Adel
#Politics #Switzerland_Der Aufstand kam von unten. Im bündnerischen Zizers sollte die Gemeindeverwaltung vom «nicht mehr zeitgemässen» Rathaus ins offenbar zeitgemässere Barockschloss von 1687 umziehen. Das prestigeträchtige Fünf-Millionen-Projekt des Gemeinderats wurde im Frühling vom Stimmvolk gestoppt.…
The Hunter Biden Laptop Is Real - WSJ
#Politics #Crime #U.S.A.The problem isn’t Hunter Biden —it’s Joe—as major media outlets may be discovering, sort of, with the White House’s absurd intervention in the younger Mr. Biden’s latest career as a budding Van Gogh.…
‘Stop Creating Avenattis’ - WSJ
#Crime #Politics #TrumpThe favorite lawyer of major media outlets and Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats is now a criminal headed to prison. Will there be any accountability for the people who made him a household name?…
Joe Biden at His Worst - WSJ
#Politics #Racism #U.S.A.How to explain the rush of bad government, citing false crises, end-running constitutional limitations, that the Biden presidency in its early days has become?…
NZZ: Sklaven von Natur – über die Entstehung des Hautfarbenrassismus
#Politics #RacismRassismus hat mit der Hautfarbe nichts zu tun. Viele postmoderne Autoren differenzieren beim Thema Rassismus nicht und benutzen eine definitionslose Terminologie. Claude Lévi-Strauss bezeichnete 1988 den Rassismus als «eine präzise Doktrin, die man in vier Punkten resümieren kann.…
Berliner Oberstaatsanwalt warnt vor Ruin des Rechtsstaats
#Politics #Crime #DeutschlandZunehmend ziehen sich Verfahren derart in die Länge, dass sich deutsche Gerichte wegen der von Beschuldigten nicht zu vertretenden Verzögerungen gehalten sehen, Haftbefehle aufzuheben und die dringend Verdächtigen aus der Untersuchungshaft zu entlassen.…
The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump_The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence. Instead, an eerie quiet descended.…
America, It’s Time for ‘Unity’—or Else - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpHave you renounced your white privilege? Your unconscious bias probably hasn’t been eradicated in the last week, so it will need attention. But don’t worry.…
Joe Biden’s Inaugural Purge - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A.The Robb firing illustrates the falsehood of both those narratives. For all Mr. Trump’s bad manners, his administration’s actions were largely by the book. Mr. Trump never fired Richard Griffin, Barack Obama’s NLRB general counsel, who served nine months to the end of his term in 2017.…