Sondland’s Unimpeachable Offenses
#Politics #U.S.A._Gordon Sondland speaks during a House Intelligence Committee impeachment inquiry hearing in Washington, D.C., Nov. 20.…
The Impeachment Kangaroo
#Politics #U.S.A.President Trump took a moment from his Cabinet meeting Tuesday to call the House impeachment hearings a “).…
America’s Inner-City Cartels
#Racism #Crime #U.S.A.Headlines were seized this month by the ambush and murder of three American women and six children by drug traffickers in Mexico. Americans were naturally shocked by the brutality of the cartels. But it would be a mistake to think it doesn’t happen here.…
This Impeachment Subverts the Constitution
#Politics #U.S.A._The impeachment power is quasi-judicial and differs fundamentally from Congress’s legislative authority. The Constitution assigns “the sole power of impeachment” to the House—the full chamber, which acts by majority vote, not by a press conference called by the Speaker.…
‘Fuzzy-Profound’ Words Cause Mental Rot
What are “qualia”? I stumbled on the word recently in the Times Literary Supplement, where a review of novels by Neal Stephenson and Don DeLillo observed that both authors “are much concerned with qualia.…
Bill Barr ‘Gets’ Religion
#Politics #U.S.A.Main Street: During a speech at Notre Dame law school on October 11, 2019, Attorney General Bill Barr explained how secularists are assaulting religious freedom in an effort to break down traditional moral values and instead impose their own orthodoxy.…
Whistleblowers and the Real Deep State
#Politics #U.S.A.Civil servants too often forget they work for the people and seek to impose their own policy agendas.…
«CO2 spielt eine untergeordnete Rolle»
#Global Warming_Mit dreizehn Jahren studierte er am Technion in Haifa. Heute gehört der israelische Physikprofessor Nir Shaviv zu den wenigen, die sich vom Klima-Hype distanzieren. Er entlarvt die Tricks der Wissenschaftler und erklärt, warum die Auswirkungen des CO2 auf die Erwärmung überschätzt werden.…
Frischluft für die Klimadebatte
#Global WarmingAm 23. September hat eine Gruppe von 500 Wissenschaftlern und Experten der Uno die «Europäische Klima-Deklaration» («Es gibt keinen Klimanotstand») zugesandt. In den Mainstream-Medien fand der offene Brief kaum Erwähnung.…