British Police ‘Are Giving in to the Mob’

#Politics #Racism #UK

“Look at this crap here,” the man, known only as John A, is heard saying. He has a working-class, Scottish accent. “You let them into the country, and this is the shit they come up with.”…

Jacques Bopp

The Earth Is Warming, but Is CO2 the Cause?

#Science #Global Warming

If this column has ever plagiarized itself, it’s by repeating the phrase “evidence of warming is not evidence of what causes warming.…

Jacques Bopp

‘Gender-Affirming Care Is Dangerous. I Know Because I Helped Pioneer It.’

#Politics #Gender #Nature

_Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltiala, 58, is a Finnish-born and trained adolescent psychiatrist, the chief psychiatrist in the department of adolescent psychiatry at Finland’s Tampere University Hospital.…

Jacques Bopp

Die Palästinenser müssten sich emanzipieren wollen und den Opfermythos ablegen

#Racism #Israel #Islam

Juden abschlachten, ihnen den Tod wünschen und gleichzeitig von ihnen Essen, Wasser und Elektrizität fordern, entbehrt nicht einer gewissen Ironie.…

Jacques Bopp

The Techno-Optimist Manifesto

#Economy #Politics #Education

"_You live in a deranged age — more deranged than usual, because despite great scientific and technological advances, man has not the faintest idea of who he is or what he is doing.…

Jacques Bopp

Klima-Notstand, welcher Klima-Notstand?

#Global Warming

Endlich einmal eine gute Nachricht zum Thema Klima: Ein globales Netzwerk von 1609 Wissenschaftlern und Forschern aus der ganzen Welt beruhigt und sagt: «Es gibt keinen Klimanotstand.…

Jacques Bopp

Was die Explosion des Hunga Tonga mit dem Klima zu tun hat

#Global Warming

Die Erderwärmung wird durch gigantische Unterwasser-Vulkanausbrüche beschleunigt. Dennoch bleibt die Forschung bei der fixen Idee, das CO2 sei schuld.…

Jacques Bopp

Bari Weiss: Interview with Historian Peter Turchin


In 2010, you published an article that predicted that 2020 would be a year of instability, using hundreds of thousands of historical data points.…

Jacques Bopp

Average temperatures

#Science #Global Warming

A fellow phoned me yesterday, he had just returned home from a holiday in Greece. He has holidayed there off and on for the last 20 years. It had never been so cold, he told me.…

Jacques Bopp