
WSJ: Why Beijing Loves Biden and Paris

#Science #U.S.A. #Global Warming

The U.S. officially rejoined the Paris climate accord on Friday to much media and European applause. Our guess is that China is the most pleased because it knows the accord will restrict American energy while Beijing gets a decade-long free ride.…

Jacques Bopp

Warum ist es in diesem Winter so kalt?

#Science #Global Warming

Namhafte Wissenschaftler erklären die tiefen Temperaturen mit dem Klimawandel. Doch das ist nur Spekulation. Und es ist nicht die einzige in der ganzen Debatte.…

Jacques Bopp

Vor 42 000 Jahren schwächelte das Magnetfeld der Erde – möglicherweise hatte dies weitreichende Folgen für Klima und Umwelt

#Science #Global Warming

Altes Holz aus Neuseeland hilft Forschern dabei, den Ablauf der letzten Schwächung des Erdmagnetfelds zu rekonstruieren. Sie spekulieren auch über dramatische Umweltfolgen. Doch dies ist eine kühne These.…

Jacques Bopp

PATEL: How The COVID-19 Censors Killed The Truth | The Daily Caller

#Science #U.S.A. #Covid

The oddest part about the effort to stifle debate over COVID-19’s origin is even the experts agree we still don’t know the answer. There is a prevailing theory, but nobody knows precisely where COVID-19 originated.…

Jacques Bopp

Hottest Day Ever in Australia Confirmed - Jennifer Marohasy

#Science #Global Warming #Australia

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology deleted what was long regarded as the hottest day ever recorded in Australia – Bourke’s 125°F (51.7°C) on the 3rd January 1909.…

Jacques Bopp

NZZ: Journalismus und Grundlagenphysik: Gibt es hier Analogien?

#Politics #Science

_Konformismus und Gruppendynamik behindern das kritische Denken. Ohne Innovation aber stagniert jede Entwicklung, in der Grundlagenphysik wie im Journalismus.…

Jacques Bopp

The White House Spins Trump's Disinfectant Remarks -

#Science #U.S.A. #Trump

At an April 23 press briefing, President Donald Trump mused about the possibility of using “very powerful light” and injecting disinfectant into the body to kill COVID-19 – a suggestion that, in the case of disinfectant, was roundly criticized by experts as dangerous.…

Jacques Bopp

An Experimental Ultraviolet Light Treatment for Covid-19 Takes Political Heat - WSJ

#Science #U.S.A. #Trump

I ran an obscure pharmaceutical company until a few days ago. Then we got famous. Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, ) made a commitment to find ways to help.…

Jacques Bopp

The Treatment That Could Crush Covid - WSJ

#Science #U.S.A. #Health

More than 500 clinical trials are under way world-wide in the race to find an effective treatment for Covid-19. Everybody wants it; nobody has it—yet.…

Jacques Bopp

University Appeal Upheld, Peter Ridd Loses - We all Lose - Jennifer Marohasy

#Science #Global Warming #Australia

On 2 May 2018, Professor Peter Ridd was sacked by James Cook University for serious misconduct. It all started when he called-out his colleague Terry Hughes for falsely claiming healthy inshore coral reefs were dead from climate change and deteriorating water quality.…

Jacques Bopp