Fast rührten sie ihn zu Tränen
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpNie zuvor in diesem Jahrhundert war der Ausgang einer amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl derart ungewiss wie heute. Im Jahr 2000, als der Demokrat Al Gore das Ergebnis im Bundesstaat Florida anzweifelte, sprach der Oberste Gerichtshof ein Machtwort.…
First, Hail All the Lawyers - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A.For the next four days the 2020 race is “Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden.” Come Nov. 3, the race likely becomes, “May the best lawyer win.…
Schweiz: Transitverkehr auf die Schiene bringen
#Politics #Switzerland #EUEs ist vollbracht. Die Schweiz hat mit dem Ceneri-Basistunnel das Generationenwerk der neuen Alpentransversale (Neat) vollendet.…
NZZ: Journalismus und Grundlagenphysik: Gibt es hier Analogien?
#Politics #Science_Konformismus und Gruppendynamik behindern das kritische Denken. Ohne Innovation aber stagniert jede Entwicklung, in der Grundlagenphysik wie im Journalismus.…
Breaking Judicial Norms: A History - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A.Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is widely reported to have told his Democratic colleagues on Saturday that “nothing is off the table for next year” if Republicans confirm a Supreme Court nominee in this Congress.…
What Could Go Wrong on Election Day - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpIf most ballots this fall are cast by mail, the results may not be known for days. That could plunge America into prolonged controversy and undermine confidence in the outcome and the democratic system, both something adversaries in Moscow, Beijing and Tehran would cheer.…
The Next Pandemic: Trump Derangement Syndrome - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpIt’s been going around for some time and now appears to be in danger of spreading widely. I refer not to Covid-19, but to Donald-20, or, to use its pseudoscientific name, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Research has shown that TDS appears in five stages, each of advanced intensity.…
‘Covid Powers’ Wreck My Neighborhood - WSJ
#Politics #Crime #U.S.A.For many years I’ve lived in paradise—the Upper West Side. We have convivial neighbors, beautiful buildings, great subways, excellent theater and dance, fine libraries and bookstores, wonderful restaurants, pleasant markets. There were problems but we worked them out amicably.…
The Ideological Corruption of Science - WSJ
#Politics #Racism #ScienceIn the 1980s, when I was a young professor of physics and astronomy at Yale, deconstructionism was in vogue in the English Department.…