Bari Weiss: Interview with Historian Peter Turchin
#PoliticsIn 2010, you published an article that predicted that 2020 would be a year of instability, using hundreds of thousands of historical data points.…
Average temperatures
#Science #Global WarmingA fellow phoned me yesterday, he had just returned home from a holiday in Greece. He has holidayed there off and on for the last 20 years. It had never been so cold, he told me.…
The Autism Surge: Lies, Conspiracies, and My Own Kids
#Science #U.S.A. #HealthIn the summer of 2001 we took our younger son, two-year-old Jonathan, to the neurologist. He hadn’t developed speech, never played with toys, and had a compulsion to stare at cracks in the pavement while flapping his hands. The diagnosis was almost instant: autism.…
Masked Gunmen and a Stolen Toilet: How Russia Seized a Ukrainian City’s Businesses - WSJ
#Economy #Crime #UkraineNot long after Russia’s military ), balaclava-clad men arrived at the head office of one of its largest companies, beat its security gua…
The internet and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
#Politics #Software #ScienceIf I had the energy, I suppose I could fill a hundred pages trying to prove it, but what would be the point? Whole ) [_have been_](https://substack.…
The era of artificial intelligence is here, and boy, are people freaking out
#Politics #Software #ScienceFortunately, I am here to bring the good news: AI will not destroy the world, and in fact may save it.…
Der "glückliche Jude" ist ein Mythos
#Israel #IslamAnders als von vielen Linken behauptet, wurden Juden auch in muslimischen Gebieten verfolgt – Judenfeindschaft in der islamischen Welt ist nicht auf den Fundus des europäischen Antisemitismus zurückzuführen.…
Frankreich ist der kranke Mann Europas. Das Land droht zur Geisel einer gewaltbereiten Minderheit zu werden
#Politics #Crime #FrankreichGewaltbereitschaft und Zerstörungswut haben in Frankreich ein erschreckendes Ausmass angenommen. Im April brennen Barrikaden im Pariser Stadtviertel Marais.…
Bill Barr: The Truth About the Trump Indictment | The Free Press
#U.S.A. #TrumpThis time the president is not a victim of a witch hunt. The situation is entirely of his own making.…