
Können wir endlich fragen, wer wirklich mit Russland konspiriert hat?

#U.S.A. #Trump

Millionen von Amerikanern verachten Donald Trump und denken wahrscheinlich, dass es gerechtfertigt oder zumindest ein guter, sauberer Spaß war, als die Hillary-Clinton-Kampagne gefälschte Beweise für geheime Absprachen mit Russland fabrizierte.…

Jacques Bopp

Elon Musk Is Right About George Soros—and Not Anti-Semitic - WSJ

#Politics #Racism #U.S.A.

Further, no single person has done more to damage Israel’s standing in the world, especially among so-called progressives, than George Soros. His financial support has multiplied the influence of the two major organizations that have done the most to shift the left-wing paradigm against Israel.…

Jacques Bopp

Durham on Comey’s Culpability

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

The Federal Bureau of Investigation received some shocking intelligence in 2018, suggesting the Russians might have compromised Christopher Steele’s sources even before the opposition researcher began feeding his infamous dossier to the FBI. Just as shocking was the edict that came next.…

Jacques Bopp

Durham Exposes Robert Mueller’s Failure

#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump

Mr. Mueller was named special counsel in May 2017, after Democrats and media claimed) fired FBI director Jim Comey to stop the bureau’s investigation into the Russia collusion tale.…

Jacques Bopp

The Stanford Guide to Acceptable Words

#U.S.A. #Racism #Gender

Parodists have it rough these days, since so much of modern life and culture resembles the Babylon Bee. The latest evidence is that Stanford University administrators in May published an index of forbidden words to be eliminated from the school’s websites and computer code ...…

Jacques Bopp

The Free Press: Unsere Berichterstattung bei Twitter

#Politics #U.S.A.

In den folgenden Tagen kampierten wir - der Journalist Matt Taibbi, investigative Reporter von The Free Press, Abigail Shrier und Michael Shellenberger, sowie die Free Press-Reporter Suzy Weiss, Peter Savodnik, Olivia Reingold und Isaac Grafstein - in einem fensterlosen, fluoreszierenden ...…

Jacques Bopp

How China Got Our Kids Hooked on ‘Digital Fentanyl’

#Politics #Software #U.S.A.

The midterm elections of 2022 were many things—a shocker for Republicans, the possible end of Donald Trump, a win for centrist Democrats. Overlooked is the fact that they were also a big turning point for TikTok, the Chinese social-media platform.…

Jacques Bopp

Bill Barr unplugged

#U.S.A. #Trump #Politics

William Barr wurde am 14. Februar 2019 als Generalstaatsanwalt der USA vereidigt, inmitten der Schwierigkeiten, die Präsident Donald Trump mit der Trump-Russland-Untersuchung hat.…

Jacques Bopp

My Post-Graduation Plan? I’m Immigrating to Israel.

#Israel #Racism #U.S.A.

For me and other young Jews, the future is no longer in America. What we experienced on campus has a lot to do with it.…

Jacques Bopp

Bill Barr Calls Bullsh*t

#U.S.A. #Trump

Ein offenes Gespräch mit dem ehemaligen Justizminister über Trumps "Erpressung" der GOP, Russiagate, den peinlichsten Moment im Weißen Haus und vieles mehr.…

Jacques Bopp