
Reich werden mit der Credit Suisse

#Switzerland #Finance #Economy

Weltwoche 16/2021 Neues Weltwoche-Quartett: Spitzensaläre und Aktienmisere. Ein Spass für die ganze Familie.…

Jacques Bopp

Hans-Werner Sinn im Interview über Corona, Inflation und den Euro

#Finance #Economy #Politics

Der deutsche Ökonom Hans-Werner Sinn erwartet, dass das Coronavirus 2021 besiegt wird und die Wirtschaft anschliessend floriert. Die Folge könnte aber eine steigende Inflation sein.…

Jacques Bopp

Carl Icahn


On November 14, the Wall Street Journal published a memorable interview with the outspoken Carl Icahn. His comments about CEO's and boards should get drummed into the brain of each shareholder. Most probably his insights are also valid for the CEO's and boards of Swiss companies.…

Jacques Bopp

Bad Bad Banks

#Finance #Economy #Politics

_And the financial crisis goes on … And the politicians still think they can avoid the painful solution and try to sustain asset prices. But the prices of many assets are bubble prices and these prices need to fall to market levels.…

Jacques Bopp

Ukraine Farming

#Economy #Politics

BILYI KAMIN, Ukraine — The vast collectives that fed the Soviet Union are now a patchwork of tiny gardens, fields and vacant lots. But combined, they could help feed the world: Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine have fertile yet untilled land the size of Idaho.…

Jacques Bopp