The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election
#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump_The nation was braced for chaos. Liberal groups had vowed to take to the streets, planning hundreds of protests across the country. Right-wing militias were girding for battle. In a poll before Election Day, 75% of Americans voiced concern about violence. Instead, an eerie quiet descended.…
The Vast Anti-Trump ‘Conspiracy’ - WSJ
#U.S.A. #Trump_President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump depart the White House to board Marine One before the inauguration of president-elect Joe Biden on January 20.…
America, It’s Time for ‘Unity’—or Else - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpHave you renounced your white privilege? Your unconscious bias probably hasn’t been eradicated in the last week, so it will need attention. But don’t worry.…
Trump and the Failure of the Expert Class - WSJ
#U.S.A. #TrumpThe Trump years had something for almost everyone. Progressives had the satisfaction of righteousness and a justification for daily outrage.…
«Sie wollen Trumps Namen auslöschen»
#U.S.A. #Trump #PoliticsWeltwoche: Victor Davis Hanson, ist Donald Trump schuld an den Angriffen auf das Kapitol? Hat der Präsident seine Anhänger zu Gewalt angestiftet?…
Don’t Expect Police to Shoot at Crowds - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpWhen white supremacists and counterprotesters descended on Charlottesville in 2017, police didn’t issue riot gear, close streets, or call immediately for state or federal backup. And it wasn’t because they weren’t forewarned or lacked intelligence on what was about to happen.…
Trump Erases His Legacy - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpA politician has to work hard to destroy a legacy and a future in a single day. President Donald J. Trump managed it.…
The Bidens and Beijing - WSJ
#Politics #Crime #U.S.A.Hunter Biden to hold 10% for the “big guy,” but did he forget to set aside 37% for Uncle Sam? A tax investigation focused on the Biden family’s highly questionable sources of $…
All the President’s Norms - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpNot even Donald Trump’s most ardent supporters would deny that he has often disregarded norms of political behavior—from the derisive nicknames he uses to diminish political rivals to ill-advised tweets such as the one suggesting we delay the election.…
Trump mag gehen, die Medien brauchen ihn weiterhin – als Finsterling, der im Hintergrund die Fäden zieht | NZZ
#Politics #U.S.A. #Trump_Donald Trump war ein Geschenk Gottes an die linken und linksliberalen Medien. Vor allem an die amerikanischen, die vor Trumps Wahl oft in tumber Langeweile erstarrt waren.…