Durham on Comey’s Culpability
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpThe Federal Bureau of Investigation received some shocking intelligence in 2018, suggesting the Russians might have compromised Christopher Steele’s sources even before the opposition researcher began feeding his infamous dossier to the FBI. Just as shocking was the edict that came next.…
Durham Exposes Robert Mueller’s Failure
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpMr. Mueller was named special counsel in May 2017, after Democrats and media claimed) fired FBI director Jim Comey to stop the bureau’s investigation into the Russia collusion tale.…
Bill Barr unplugged
#U.S.A. #Trump #PoliticsWilliam Barr wurde am 14. Februar 2019 als Generalstaatsanwalt der USA vereidigt, inmitten der Schwierigkeiten, die Präsident Donald Trump mit der Trump-Russland-Untersuchung hat.…
Bill Barr Calls Bullsh*t
#U.S.A. #TrumpEin offenes Gespräch mit dem ehemaligen Justizminister über Trumps "Erpressung" der GOP, Russiagate, den peinlichsten Moment im Weißen Haus und vieles mehr.…
Trump Really Was Spied On - WSJ
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpSpecial Counsel John Durham continues to unravel the Trump-Russia “collusion” story, and his latest court disclosure contains startling information.…
«Die Medien lieben Geschichten über Rassismus, weil sie Klicks bringen und Ideologien bestätigen. Ob die Storys wahr sind, ist unwichtig»
#Politics #Racism #CrimeSolche Falschmeldungen über Hassverbrechen sind auch in Europa ein zunehmend verbreitetes Phänomen. In der Schweiz sorgte 2006 eine Brasilianerin für einen internationalen Skandal, indem sie behauptete, jemand habe ihr die Buchstaben «SVP» ins Bein geritzt.…
Putin's propaganda coup
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpIndeed, the most consequential conduit for Vladimir Putin’s objectives were those public men and women in the media and government who supercharged and disseminated the most extreme conspiracy theories that Trump was a literal Manchurian candidate controlled by a hostile foreign power.…
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Please — Stop The Coup Porn
#U.S.A. #TrumpSpiking inflation, supply-chain shortages, near-record gas prices, open borders, the flight from Afghanistan, multi-trillion-dollar deficits, and polarizing racial rhetoric all followed.…
Durham Sails Into Deep Waters
#Politics #Crime #U.S.A._Former FBI director James Comey is sworn in during a hearing before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Capitol Hill, June 8, 2017.…
Durham and the Clinton Dossier
#Politics #U.S.A. #TrumpThe nation argued for five years over the infamous “Steele dossier,” the document on which the Federal Bureau of Investigation relied to investigate )’s 2016 campaign. It should have been called the Clinton dossier.…