Geht es in der Klimadebatte wirklich nur um Erkenntnis? Bekenntnisse eines Skeptikers
#Global WarmingDas Ende der Welt wurde schon oft angekündigt. Eingetreten ist es noch nie. Auch heute sollte man sich vor Hysterie hüten.…
Will 2019 See Climate Maturity?
#Global WarmingInnocent news consumers may be impressed to learn that Germany has reduced carbon-dioxide emissions by 27% since 1990. This is the standard the German government itself has employed, and it has been glibly endorsed by many news organizations.…
U.N. Ignores Economics Of Climate
#Global WarmingYale professor William Nordhaus speaks in New Haven, Conn., Oct. 8. Photo: michelle mcloughlin/Reuters…
On Climate, Listen to the Nobel
#Global WarmingPaul Romer, co-winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize for Economics, speaks in New York, Oct. 8. Photo: Richard Drew/Associated Press…
«Diese Forscher haben eine politische Agenda»
#Global WarmingHerr Mörner, Sie waren in letzter Zeit mehrmals auf der Inselgruppe Fidschi im Südpazifik, um dort Veränderungen der Küsten und des Meeresspiegels zu erforschen.…
Climate Change: The Facts 2017 - Jennifer Marohasy
#Global WarmingContributors to _Climate Change: The Facts 2017_ do not conform to a unitary view. As I explain in the book’s introduction:…
My Unhappy Life as a Climate Heretic
#Global Warming_My research was attacked by thought police in journalism, activist groups funded by billionaires and even the White House.…
Global Warming und gesunder Menschenverstand
#Global WarmingEin Plädoyer für gesunden Menschenverstand und Wettbewerb statt Bürokratie und konsensuale Gutheissung…
The Climate Snow Job
#Global WarmingAn East Coast blizzard howling, global temperatures peaking, the desert Southwest flooding, drought-stricken California drying up—surely there’s a common thread tying together this “extreme” weather. There is.…
In Defense of Carbon Dioxide
#Global WarmingOf all of the world’s chemical compounds, none has a worse reputation than carbon dioxide. Thanks to the single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control of energy production, the conventional wisdom about carbon dioxide is that it is a dang…